Section 2: Components
Product Description
T1/PRI Interface Card (1PRIU) — P/N 0891009
For T1 and ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) applications, install a
T1/PRI Interface PCB. This PCB has a single 24-channel 64Kb/s digital
signal circuit which can be con
gured for either T1 trunks or PRI. Each
PCB connects to the network via an NTI Network Termination.
If set for T1, the T1/PRI PCB gives the system 24 trunks in a single univer-
sal slot. These trunks can be one of the following:
Loop Start
Ground Start
E&M Trunks
T1 gives the system the advantages of advanced digital trunking as well as conserving universal
slots. For example, a system with 12 loop start trunks, two tie lines and six DID trunks would use
ve universal slots. With T1 all these trunks would be available in a single universal slot, freeing
up four additional universal slots for other uses.
If set for PRI, each T1/PRI PCB provides 24 PRI (23 B& 1 D) channels running at 1.544Mbps with
64Kb/s clear channel. The PCB supports the following PRI services:
Basic PRI Call Control (BCC)
Display of incoming caller’s name and number (when allowed by the telco)
Speech and 3.1 KHz audio
When installed, the T1/PRI Interface PCB uses the
rst available block of 24 consecutive trunks.
For example, if you have an COIU PCB installed for trunks 1-8, the T1/PRI Interface PCB will
automatically use trunks 9-32. If you have COIU PCBs installed for trunks 1-8 and 17-24, the T1/
PRI PCB will use trunks 25-48. The T1/PRI Interface PCB cannot use trunks 9-16 (even if avail-
able) since they are not part of a consecutive block of 24 trunks.
The T1/PRI PCB requires one universal slot and provides a Block switch to busy out the PCB.
When used for T-Bus, up to 8 PCBs can be installed in the system. When used as S-Bus, up to 10
PCBs can be installed.
4 DID/OPX (4DIOPU) Card — P/N 0891013
The 4DIOPU PCB supports the analog DID and single line telephone interface functions (such as
Off-Premise Extension). The function type is assigned in programming for each port. The circuit
types, however, should be grouped together. For example, with 3 DID circuits and 1 OPX circuit,
they should be grouped as DID, DID, DID and OPX and not DID, DID, OPX and DID.
The DIOPU PCB provides:
4 DID trunk circuits
4 DID trunk status LEDs
1 PCB status LED
1 run/block switch
The CN3 connector provides connection to 4 analog DID trunk ports,
which are polarity sensitive
(tip to tip, ring to ring)
. The OPX circuits, however, are not polarity sensitive. The DIOPU requires
one universal slot, with 15 maximum PCBs per system. When used only as DID, the PCB con-
sumes 4 trunk ports. If OPX trunks are de
ned in Program 10-03-01 for the PCB, then 4 station
ports are assigned as well.