Section 2: Components
Product Description
Aspire (M/L and XL) Common Equipment
Aspire 8 Slot KSU w/o PS — P/N 0890000
The KSU is the system’s control center. It houses the Power Supply, has
nine PCB slots and provides for connection to trunks and extensions. The
rst slot in the KSU is dedicated to the NTCPU. The next slot is a univer-
sal slot which should be reserved for a Digital Station Card. The remain-
ing seven slots are also universal. They can be used for any combination
of Common, Trunk or Station PCBs. The KSU can be
oor, wall or rack
You should plug a Digital Station Card into the
rst universal slot.
Aspire XL Power Supply Cabinet w/o PS — P/N 0890068
The Aspire XL power supply cabinet accommodates up to two AC/DC
power supplies. This cabinet is to be installed as the bottom cabinet of a
3-cabinet system (the top two cabinets containing the NTCPU, DC/DC
Converters, and PCBs).
The Aspire XL system can support mixed hardware con
tions. With an Aspire XL AC/DC power supply cabinet and a DC/
DC Converter in one cabinet, the second cabinet can contain up to
two Aspire M/L power supplies (P/N 0891000).
Central Processing Unit (NTCPU) PCB — P/Ns 0891002 & 0891038
The NTCPU controls all the functions and operations of the Aspire system
using the system software loaded into the NTCPU memory. One 32-bit
NTCPU PCB must be installed in the CPU slot in the Main Cabinet. There
are two versions of NTCPUs. The
rst version, P/N 0891002, is a 64-port
basic NTCPU. The second version, P/N 0891038, is a feature-enhanced, 256
extension port NTCPU.
To upgrade from the basic 64-port NTCPU, a Feature Upgrade chip (P/N
0891039) is available. The NTCPU provides a connector (CN14) for the
upgrade PAL EPROM chip. Make sure when installing this upgrade chip on
the NTCPU that you wear a grounded wrist strap. Using software 4.0E and
higher, the Feature Upgrade PAL chip (P/N 0891039), supports 128 ports for
trunks, extensions, and voice mail (internal and external). With prior soft-
ware, only 64 ports are available.