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User Guide V01.06
Testing the unit
Orderman GmbH (Part of NCR Corporation)
Testing the unit
In the waiter settings, you'll find various device tests depending on the Orderman7 features and the
model. The tests listed below are not available for all Orderman7 models; this is a comprehensive
list of all current test options:
Acceleration Sensor
: All Orderman7 handhelds are equipped with an acceleration sensor. This
sensor allows the display to rotate 180 degrees automatically, depending on the position of the unit.
The basic functionality can be checked using this test in the form of a circular level.
Test the functionality of the integrated camera. This test shows the camera image, creating
a photo and/or video is not supported in the test mode.
Light Sensor:
Displays the value measured in real time for the integrated light sensor; the sensor is
located above the display on the left.
This test allows you to check the touchscreen function for errors and glitches.
The RFID test enables you to check the RFID read functionality of the Orderman7 handheld.
Use the "
Select mode"
option to select the type of transponder being used. Options include the
Ordercard function, the belt printer transponder, HITAG and HITAG Classic. The ID of the
transponder and the number of successful scans will be displayed. An optional audio feedback
feature is also available during the test.
Fig. 31: Ordercard Test
Orderman Ordercard
Test result
Tests the magnetic strip reader, supports the three tracks. To start the test, select the
button; the card's magnetic strips must be aligned properly with the direction of use; the card
can be swiped in both directions - from down to up, or up to down.
Functionality test of the ISO reader; the number of scans and type of transponder are