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User Guide V01.06
Service station and multi service station
Orderman GmbH (Part of NCR Corporation)
Service station and multi service station
The service station and multi service station are designed to charge your handheld(s), as well as
providing an IP-based Ethernet connection to the host system.
The service station and multi service station also have a quick-charge function (quick recharging slot
for battery packs).
The service station/multi service station, or a Multi Service Station, is
required to update the firmware. In the Multi Service Station, up to five
handhelds can be updated and charged at the same time.
Overview of the service station
Fig. 10: Service station
Service station
Charging contacts, handheld charging slot
Charging status LED fast-charging slot
Network status LED
Power LED
Protective cover for charging contacts on the
quick-charging slot
Connection for Orderman power supply
RJ45 Ethernet network port