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User Guide V01.06
General information
Orderman GmbH (Part of NCR Corporation)
General information
This manual applies to NCR Orderman7 handhelds (also referred to as "handhelds") and Orderman
It covers the following NCR Orderman7 handhelds:
NCR Orderman7
NCR Orderman7
NCR Orderman7
NCR Orderman7
The different versions are described in the following chapters.
All warranty claims must be addressed to your local Orderman contractual partners.
Software Licenses
– Open Source
You can request the open source software licenses as well as the modified code by writing to
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]
The labeling provides information on certifications, standards, product descriptions and
manufacturer specifications.
Serial number
The serial number is used to uniquely identify the unit.
You will find the serial number in the unit's battery slot.
With Orderman7, we are switching to 12-character NCR serial numbers that start with "125-" and are
followed by an 8-digit number. You'll find the serial number on the packaging label (SERIAL NO) and
on the inside of the battery compartment (see Fig. 1). Please use only this NCR serial number for all
RMAs and help desk requests.
However, only a 6-digit serial number can be entered in the current System Center (version
and higher), as well as in the POS software. As a workaround, please use the emulation serial
number (EMULATION SN) on the packaging label. If the packaging is no longer available, you find a
serial number calculator in our Partner Area at:
. The calculator converts your
NCR serial number to an emulation serial number (min. Service Package Version 6.17).