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User Guide V01.06
Operating the Orderman7
Orderman GmbH (Part of NCR Corporation)
41 Flashlight
The "Flashlight" function allows you to enable/disable the integrated LED on the back of the
handheld. This feature can also be assigned to the two hardware buttons.
Frequent use of the flashlight uses a lot of power and reduces the operating
life of the handhelds. About
Displays device information such as serial number, device type, OMB mode, radio mode and version
of installed firmware.
Assign a customized button to
the menu card in use. When
this function is selected, the
previously grayed out option
in the
Button Mapping
is usable (Map the left/right
button menucard action)
The following function is available only
with the Sol emulation:
Host application specific
Assign a customized feature
of the POS software in use.
When this function is
selected, the assignment is
performed by the POS
software in use.
The following functions are available only
with both emulation modes:
Display clock
Displays the time and date
(the format can be selected
Time display style
Use this feature to add a
simple calculator to the
respective key.
Flash Light
Use the flashlight at the push
of a button.