Taralist Configuration
stablishing communications with a Taralist controller is an essential step in
using this device. Taralist Series controllers are available in many different
varieties. While all controllers are capable of functioning WITHOUT a computer,
a computer is REQUIRED to configure the Taralist controller.
The way the Taralist controller communicates with your computer depends on the
communication interface option you have chosen. If you choose an interface
other than USB, we strongly recommend that you also purchase a ZUSB
Communication module, which will allow you to revoke from communication loss
or error. Please refer to the appropriate Quick Start Guide for your
communication interface. The guides may be found on our website:
Your Taralist controller
be configured, and it will not be possible to
proceed through these instructions without knowing the current COM port
assignment. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for your Interface to determine
this information.
Configuring Taralist with Base Station Software:
Download and install the latest version of
following this link.
Run the NCD Base
Station software; you
should see the following
window appear.
Select the appropriate
Com Port for your
device from the ‘Select
Connection’ window and
click ‘OK’.