How do I recover keys on my Navman?
The Recover keys application allows you to fix your Navman if a problem occurs during operation. Click the
Recover keys option in the menu and then follow the prompts to complete the process.
Make sure you have an active Internet connection to recover keys.
How do I configure NavDesk?
Depending on your Navman model, certain setting options may not be available.
Click Options, and then select the desired setting options to configure.
Complete the following:
If you want to …
Then …
keep NavDesk updated,
click General, and then select the Auto check for updates checkbox.
When you select this option, every time you open NavDesk, the
available service packs and bug fixes will be downloaded from the
Navman server and applied to your Navman.
change the units of
measurement that
NavDesk uses,
click General, and then:
select or clear the Use metric units checkbox to change between
imperial and metric units.
select or clear the Use decimal degrees checkbox to change
between decimal degrees and latitude/longitude co-ordinates.
change the location of
where downloaded
updates will be saved,
click My Maps, and then click Change.
Select a folder for the updates. The downloaded updates are
moved to the new location.