STEP 12:
Installing flywheel (SM40329)
Place belt behind the intermediate pulley
as shown before placing belt on flywheel
Install flywheel with the belt around the grooved
pulley on the flywheel. NOTE: make sure the
keyway slot is lined up with the alternator key
before pushing the flywheel onto the alternator
Flywheel SM40329
Reattach flywheel nut using the same
method as shown in step 2, Nut should
be torque to 30 ft lbs.
Putting the new belt on the intermediate
pulley, this is done by feeding the belt back
onto the pulley while turning it slowly and
working the belt back into the pulley groves,
NOTE: the pulley has a hole that can be used
to keep the belt on the pulley while installing
the belt, once this has been completed check
belt for alignment with flywheel pulley.
Reattach covers.
When the Belt is installed correctly
there is a groove visible on each
side of the Pulley.