Inconclusive test
If it is not possible to achieve a Pass result and:
1. the patient has a large ear canal volume and the test was started with the
(double-arrow) button after a failed calibration,
2. the test environment is too noisy,
then the test result may be
In the case of a large ear canal volume (due to PE tubes or perforation of the ear drum)
it may not be possible for the L1/L2 to reach the required stimulus levels. Adequate
stimulus levels are crucial in order to achieve an accurate response. In this case, the
result is
, and a message indicates that there was a large ear canal volume
or a poor probe fit.
If noise exceeds acceptable levels for more than half of the test time, the result is
and a message indicates that the noise was too high.
Incomplete test
If the test was stopped, an error message is shown.
The result screen appears differently from the one shown, if the test failed or was abor-
ted during calibration.
Test Completed
Pass/Clear Response and Refer/No Clear Response criteria have not been defined for
Protocol 6. Protocol 6 generates a "Test Completed" result when all 6 frequencies
have been tested.
Otometrics - MADSEN Alpha OAE+
5 Testing with Alpha OAE+