607 PRO Challenger
Series |
www.natvac.com | 800.253.5500
Cold Weather Operation
Prior to engaging pump.
• Confirm pump is not frozen.
If pump is frozen, thaw it.
• If the pump is frozen, thaw it out by moving the truck into
a heated building�
Avoid freezing problems
• You can avoid freezing problems by putting a small
amount of diesel fuel into the pump at the end of the day�
Maintenance Continued
• Check filter regularly
• Clean filter with compressed air or a cleaning solution.
The filter is made of stainless steel, please keep that in
mind when choosing your cleaning solution.
• Before reinserting the filter into the housing, lube the
inside end of the filter that will fit over the lip in the bottom
of the housing�
Properly apply lube here on
the inside lip of the filter...
...before reinserting here.