| 607 PRO Challenger
www.natvac.com | 800.253.5500
System Requirements
High Quality Components
• The 607 PRO Challenger is a high performance vacuum pump and
requires compatible, high quality components as manufactured by
• We recommend an 8” cage and a 6” stainless steel ball which is
standard in all of our primary and secondary shutoffs�
• Use 3” or larger hose to plumb your system� We recommend you
use a hose that can withstand high temperatures such as hot
tar-asphalt hose�
Pressure and Vacuum Relief Valves
• A properly adjusted pressure relief and vacuum relief valves should
also be incorporated in the system between the secondary shutoff
and the pump�
• The relief valves should be set to where the pump operates at a
maximum temperature of 375 degrees Fahrenheit and should also
be set to the values determined by the tank manufacturer�
1. Remove the protection cap “A”
2. Turn the spring-tighter “B”, through a spanner “C”,
Clockwise to increase the pressure, Anti-clockwise
to reduce the pressure
3. Once obtained the desired pressure, screw down the lock nut “D”
4. Screw down the protection cap and fix it using the rings “E” situated
on the valve body and on the cap
Picture 1. 1. Unscrew the lock nut “A”
2. Turn the spring-tightener “B”
Picture 2. Once obtained the desired pressure, screw down the lock nut “A”
Picture 3. Fix the setting, using the rings “C” Situated on the body and on the spring tightener
Pressure and Vacuum
Relief Valve Setting
Vacuum Relief Valve
Pressure Relief Valve