Chapter 1
VXI-SB2020 and NI-VXI for Solaris
© National Instruments Corporation
Optional Equipment
Contact National Instruments to order any of the following optional equipment.
VXI-MXI Standard VXIbus Mainframe Extender
VXI-MXI Enhanced VXIbus Mainframe Extender
VME-MXI Standard VMEbus Chassis Extender
VME-MXI Enhanced VMEbus Chassis Extender
Type M1 MXIbus cable (straight-point to straight-point connectors)
Type M2 MXIbus cable (straight-point to right-angle daisy-chain connectors)
Type M3 MXIbus cable (right-angle-point to right-angle daisy-chain connectors)
Type M4 MXIbus cable (straight-point to reverse-right-angle daisy-chain connectors)
Type M5 MXIbus cable (right-angle-point to reverse-right-angle daisy-chain connectors)
Type M6 MXIbus cable (right-angle-point to reverse-right-angle daisy-chain connectors)
Type MB1 MXIbus Bulkhead cable (right-angle point to wall-mount Bulkhead exit)
Type MB2 MXIbus Bulkhead cable (straight Bulkhead exit to straight Bulkhead entry)
Type MB3 MXIbus Bulkhead cable (wall-mount Bulkhead entry to right-angle daisy-chain)
Type MB4 MXIbus Bulkhead cable (right-angle point to straight Bulkhead entry)
Type MB5 MXIbus Bulkhead cable (right-angle daisy-chain to straight Bulkhead)
The Type M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and M6 MXIbus cables are available in 1 m, 2 m, 4 m, 8 m,
and 20 m lengths. The Type MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4, and MB5 MXIbus Bulkhead cables are
available in 2 m and other lengths.