Chapter 4
Digital Input/Output and PFI
Digital Output
To generate digital output, insert a digital output C Series I/O module in any slot on the cDAQ
chassis. The generation specifications, such as the number of channels, channel configuration,
update rate, and output range, are determined by the type of C Series I/O module used. For more
information, refer to the documentation included with your C Series I/O module(s).
With parallel digital output modules (formerly known as hardware-timed modules), you can do
multiple software-timed tasks on a single module, as well as mix hardware-timed and
software-timed digital output tasks on a single module. On serial digital output modules,
(formerly known as static digital output modules), you cannot mix hardware-timed and
software-timed tasks, but you can run multiple software-timed tasks.
You may have a hardware-timed task or a software-timed task include channels from multiple
modules, but a hardware-timed task may not include a mix of channels from both parallel and
serial modules.
Digital Output Data Generation Methods
When performing a digital output operation, you either can perform software-timed or
hardware-timed generations. Hardware-timed generations must be buffered.
Software-Timed Generations
With a software-timed generation, software controls the rate at which data is generated. Software
sends a separate command to the hardware to initiate each digital generation. In NI-DAQmx,
software-timed generations are referred to as on-demand timing. Software-timed generations are
also referred to as immediate or static operations. They are typically used for writing out a single
For software-timed generations, if any DO channel on a serial digital module is used in a
hardware-timed task, no channels on that module can be used in a software-timed task.
Hardware-Timed Generations
With a hardware-timed generation, a digital hardware signal controls the rate of the generation.
This signal can be generated internally on the chassis or provided externally.
Hardware-timed generations have several advantages over software-timed acquisitions:
The time between samples can be much shorter.
The timing between samples is deterministic.
Hardware-timed acquisitions can use hardware triggering.
Hardware-timed DO operations on the cDAQ chassis must be buffered.