National Instruments Corporation
FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual
overview, B-3
resource block configuration
problems (table), B-6
updating FP-3000 firmware, 2-15 to 2-18
Write Lock switch, A-2
CONFIRM_TIME parameter, C-6
CONTROL_OPTS parameter (table), C-6
converting 4-20 mA pressure sensor to
Fieldbus. See pressure sensor, converting to
Fieldbus (example).
DD_RESOURCE parameter, C-7
DD_REV parameter, C-7
Device Description file (DD)
installing, 2-1 to 2-3
updating device description, 2-3
device tag. See tags.
DEV_OPTS parameter (table), 4-13
DEV_REV parameter, C-7
DEV_TYPE parameter, C-7
DI (Discrete Input) function block, 4-3
DIN rail, mounting FP-3000 on, 2-4 to 2-6
connecting terminal bases, 2-5 to 2-6
removing FP-3000, 2-6
Discrete Input (DI) function block, 4-3
Discrete Output (DO) function block, 4-3
DO (Discrete Output) function block, 4-3
conventions used in manual, xvi
organization of manual, xv
related documentation, xvii
DV_HI_ALM parameter, C-7
DV_HI_LIM parameter, C-7
DV_HI_PRI parameter, C-7
DV_LO_ALM parameter, C-7
DV_LO_LIM parameter, C-7
DV_LO_PRI parameter, C-7
electronic support services, F-1
e-mail support, F-1
environment specifications, E-1
error codes for BLOCK_ERR parameter
(table), C-2 to C-4
example applications, 3-1 to 3-17
converting 4-20 mA pressure sensor to
Fieldbus, 3-2 to 3-6
assigning tag to new block, 3-3
bringing block online, 3-6
creating function block, 3-2 to 3-3
scaling the reading, 3-4
selecting module and channel, 3-3
setting input range, 3-4
setting up scheduling, 3-5
initial power on: assigning address and
device tag, 3-1
temperature control with FP-3000,
3-6 to 3-17
alarming, 3-15 to 3-17
controlling heating element,
3-10 to 3-12
getting started, 3-6 to 3-7
PID control, 3-13 to 3-14
taking temperature readings,
3-7 to 3-10
(table), 4-14
fault state for function blocks, D-4
FAULT_STATE parameter, C-8
fax and telephone support numbers, F-2
Fax-on-Demand support, F-1
(table), C-8
FF_GAIN parameter, C-9
FF_SCALE parameter, C-9
FF_VAL parameter, C-9