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4.3 Applying the electrodes
As a standard procedure, the registration of the EEG is carried out with self-adhesive
disposable electrodes, which are placed on the forehead. They are known for their
simplified handling and long-lasting, firm fit. Use the following electrode:
Narcotrend Electrode EE-0203
The Narcotrend Electrodes are disposable and should not be re-used.
The electrodes are unsuitable if they are re-used.
Avoid kinking and vigorous pulling of the patient lead because both can
result in cable defects.
Always follow the instructions of the electrode manufacturer as well.
Electrodes made of different materials must not be used together.
Avoid placing the electrodes over bone gaps, scars or skin lesions.
Whenever electrodes are placed on oedematous skin areas, it is
important to note that the amplitudes can be lower here than over non-
oedematous areas.
Make sure that there are no moisture bridges between the electrodes.
Lay the patient lead so that it moves as little as possible during the
recording. Furthermore, the patient should not be lying on the
electrodes or on the patient lead since this can result in malfunctions
during the recording.
The electrodes should be placed on the hairless skin area of the scalp. They should be
positioned close to the hairline. In the region close to the eyes artifacts may occur,
especially in stages of light hypnosis.