, User Datagram Protocol is connectionless protocol that offers a direct way to send and receive data-
grams over an IP network. It's used primarily for broadcasting messages over a network.
Can a dealer re-register a Gateway to another user in cases where the User cancels or moves?
Yes – the Dealer has complete control over the account – he can terminate one user and re-program the Gateway to a
new user.
I have a customer who requires more than 4 cameras. Is it possible to connect multiple Gateways to one ac-
count ?
Yes – one account can monitor multiple gateways. In order to do this, you must contact Tech Support and they will
map the Gateways to a single account.
I can view VIP-Gateway, but the triggers no longer work after a while. Why?
The VideoAlert.net server has an overflow signal processing policy: If more than 20 signals (videos) are received from
the same IP address in any 30 minutes period, the VIP-Gateway is temporarily disabled by the server. Every 24 hours
a new cycle starts, resetting any previously denied VIP-Gateways. If a VideoAlert.net System Administrator detects an
anomaly (runaway system, etc.) this system is put into a Deny list and the Dealer Administrator that “owns” the account
is automatically contacted by email to resolve the situation ASAP.
When I click on the Live View, I only get a black screen.
Click on the link to the alternative Live Viewer just below the Live Viewer screen. If you are on the local network you
can right click on the black screen and choose direct connect and enter local IP address with port #. ie.
port 8201 or port 8202
I am triggering the VIP-Gateway but am not getting video clips transmitted to the server.
Make sure that:
1. The security settings are enabled.
2. The white and black wires on the power supply harness are open.
3. The correct URL or server IP address is in the trigger field.
Note: If you have trip on motion enabled, camera will not record while you are in Live View.