Technisches Handbuch
Operating modes
4.2 CANopen operating modes
The motor can be operated using a total of 4 different operating modes in CANopen
More detailed information can be found in the separate NanoCAN manual.
Overview of operating modes and their areas of application
Operation mode
Positioning mode
(PP mode)
Use this mode if you want to use the motor for
The motor moves from A to B with the set parameters
(ramp, speed, etc.).
Speed mode
(Velocity Mode)
Use this mode when you wish to travel with a specific
speed (e.g. a conveyor belt).
Reference run
(Ref Mode/Homing Mode)
Use this mode to reference the motor (external/on
Interpolated Position Mode
Use this mode with a superordinate path control.
Selecting the operating mode in NanoCAN
When one of the following tabs – <Ref Mode>, <PP Mode>, <Velocity Mode> or
<Interpolated Position Mode> – is activated, the corresponding SDO is immediately
written to the control to activate the selected mode.
Issue: V 1.0