Technical Manual PD4-E-M (EtherCAT)
5 General concepts
An auto setup must be performed before using closed loop mode. The auto setup operating mode
automatically determines the necessary parameters (e.g., motor data, feedback systems) that are
necessary for optimum operation of the field oriented control. All information necessary for performing
the auto setup can be found in chapter Auto setup.
With the Plug & Drive motors, it is not necessary to perform the auto setup, as this was already
performed at the factory
Bit 0 in 3202
must be set .
5.2 CiA 402 Power State Machine
5.2.1 State machine
CiA 402
To switch the controller to the ready state, it is necessary to run through a state machine. This is
defined in CANopen standard 402. State changes are requested in object 6040
(controlword). The
actual state of the state machine can be found in object 6041
State changes are requested via object 6040
State transitions
The diagram shows the possible state transitions.
Version: 1.0.1 / FIR-v1748