1 - Introduction
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Safety information
The NanoRFE VNA6000 is designed for measuring and characterizing electronic devices in industrial and
laboratory environments only. Always observe the following limits when using the VNA6000 to avoid
possible damage to equipment.
Maximum input levels
DC input voltage
Both RF ports
RF input power
Both RF ports
10dBm (10mW)
DC supply voltage
USB port
Basic concepts
The VNA6000 allows you to perform a wide variety of measurements.
The parameters you can measure include:
Impedance (of an antenna, capacitor, inductor, or any one or two port device)
Return loss
Frequency response and phase response (of a filter, amplifier, duplexer, or any two port device)
Delay, velocity, or length (of a cable or other two port device)
Characteristic impedance and material properties (using custom test jigs)
And more...
S parameters
describe the amount and phase of a reflection or transmission from the device under test
(DUT) in response to a single frequency excitation signal at a port. The two most commonly used
components of an S parameter are S11 (reflection coefficient) and S21 (transmission coefficient).
can be calculated from the reflection coefficient.
Frequency response/phase response
is simply the transmission coefficient’s magnitude and phase
refers to the procedure of measuring a few known loads (for example open, short, load, and
thru) to establish a measurement plane of reference. Before any measurements are performed, the
VNA6000 must be calibrated. See section
VNA6000 User Manual 2022/08