NanoPulse, Inc.
Bed Watcher User’s Guide
Get SSID - displays selected Wi-Fi network SSID. Applicable only to the devices with Wi-Fi option
Get Security Type - displays selected Wi-Fi encryption mode, which is one of OPEN for no encryption,
WEP, WPA or WPA2. Applicable only to the devices with Wi-Fi option enabled.
Get Password - displays current Wi-Fi encryption keyword. Applicable only to the devices with Wi-Fi
option enabled.
Get Default IP Address - displays default IP address which is assigned to the device when DHCP server is
not found in the network.
Get Default IP Mask - displays default IP address mask which is assigned to the device when DHCP
server is not found in the network.
Get Default IP Gate - displays default IP gateway which is assigned to the device when DHCP server is
not found in the network.
Get Default IP Port - displays default IP port which is used by the device for data communication
Get Assigned IP Address - displays IP address assigned to the device either by DHCP server or by the
device on its own (the default one).
Get Assigned IP Mask - displays IP address mask assigned to the device either by DHCP server or by the
device on its own (the default one).
Get Assigned IP Gate - displays IP gateway assigned to the device either by DHCP server or by the
device on its own (the default one).
Set Country Code - programs in the device country code for Wi-Fi operation from the dropdown list.
Applicable only to the devices with Wi-Fi option enabled.
Set Network Mode - programs in the device network mode, either AP for Wi-Fi access point or STA for
network station (wired or wireless) or TERMINAL for NO/NC relay contacts, selected from the
dropdown list.
Set SSID - programs in the device Wi-Fi network SSID specified in the edit box. Applicable only to the
devices with Wi-Fi option enabled.
Set Security Type - programs in the device Wi-Fi encryption mode selected from the dropdown list.
Applicable only to the devices with Wi-Fi option enabled.
Set Password - programs in the device Wi-Fi encryption keyword specified in the edit box. Applicable
only to the devices with Wi-Fi option enabled.
Set Default IP Address - programs in the device default IP address which is assigned to the device when
DHCP server is not found in the network.
Set Default IP Mask - programs in the device default IP address mask which is assigned to the device
when DHCP server is not found in the network.