December 2008
Document #: 720002-0000R
4 Media and Supplies Guide
4.1 Media Specifications
The printer requires qualified thermal paper with the following specifications:
Ticket dimensions shall be 65mm +/- 1mm (2.56” +/- 0.040”) x 156mm +/-1mm (6.14” +/-
Paper stock shall be furnished in bulk stacks of 800 tickets.
Tickets shall be attached (chained) to one another at 156mm intervals and supplied in
“fan-folded” format
Attachment between tickets shall be made with perforations across the paper width
The perforations shall also define the fold point in the paper stock.
Perforation (burst) strength, or pull force, shall be 1.3lbs +/- 0.4lbs (0.59Kgs +/- 0.18Kgs)
4.2 Ordering Thermal Paper
We recommend the following paper grade produced by Graphic Controls and Slot Tickets. There
are a number of paper converters qualified to supply this paper, provided the stacks are from
these recommended grades. We would be happy to provide a quote for qualifying additional
grades not listed below.
Contact Person
Contact Numbers
Graphic Controls LLC
400 Exchange Street
Buffalo, New York
United States of America
Suzanne Talbott
800-669-1535 Tel
800-347-2420 Fax
6972 Appling Farms
Suite 105
Memphis, Tennessee
United States of America
Susan Mitchell
901-377-1849 Tel
901-377-1102 Fax
Table 8: Ordering Thermal Paper