02/06/10 M2-6_(raf
For open gensets installed indoors, we recommend:
The dimensions of the air outlets be such that they have
at least the same area of the radiator;
the dimensions of the windows for air outlet is at least on
the surface of the radiator.
The dimensions of the air inlets be such that they have at
least the same area of the ra10% for gensets up to
130 kVA or +25% for gensets beyond 130 kVA;
For canopied gensets installed indoors, we recommend:
The dimensions of the air outlets be such that they have
at least the same area of the generator air outlets, as indi-
cated at page M2.7 of the present manual;
The dimensions of the air inlets be such that they have at
least the same area of the generator air inlets, as indica-
ted at page M2.7 of the present 10% for gensets
up to 130 kVA or +25% for gensets beyond 130 kVA;
The opening area has to be calculated considering protection
grill surface, in order to insure that remaining free area is suf-
Dimensions of openings calculated as above indicated, are
the minimum acceptable dimensions in case of L.T.P. use; the
pressure remaining after radiator and back pressure must be
considered while planning dimensions of the piping.
To calculate the opening section check below drawing:
to avoid reflux of heated air and loss of load, add
an air duct between radiator and opening.
To consider the correct quantity of heat to be discharged, loss
of heat on duct should be evaluated. If the duct is not appro
priately insulated, room-temperature may increase considera-
bly, for this reason it may be necessary to install an electro
ventilator for correct air exchange.
Radiator surface
Free opening
Air flow opening with grill and 80% of open
Air flow opening with baffle plates
Electro ventilator capacity can be calculated as follows:
exhaust piping may reach up to 600 °c during opera-
tion, therefore it is compulsory to cover piping with ap-
propriate insulation.
Fan Capacity
= Transmitted heat
heat to radiation is indicated on engine/alternator technical
data sheet;
• 0. 287 is specific heat for each m3 of air at 20°C;
• Δt in °C is usually considered as equal to 5 °C (worst
conditions are considered).
exhaust pipinG
Exhaust piping must be built in accordance to laws in force in
the country of installation.
General indications:
• Minimum required thickness: 2.0 mm;
Diameter of piping has to be calculated considering, length,
number of bends, type of exhaust muffler, and any other
accessory used on it.
Back pressure should not exceed
values provided by manufacturer, as this causes loss
of power and damage to the engine.
engine exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, harmful
to health and in large quantities can cause intoxication
or death.
Exhaust piping should be composed of parts, connected
by flanges with gaskets, for easy disassembling and grant
maximum tightness.
• Exhaust piping should be connected to engine by a flex that
should absorb dilatation and separate fix part from engine
• Exhaust piping should not weigh on engine manifold.
InstallatIon advIces