Cancel one bit of data read before Cancel a string of data read before
Cancel the current setting
Note : canceling the current setting will cancel all the data codes read before, and you need to set it
again after canceling .
Chapter 10 Batch Setup
When multiple settings are required for the reading device, setting them one by one may be
cumbersome. The user can save all the information to be set as a QR code, and the device can complete
multiple settings after reading the QR code .
The following are guidelines for batch setup :
1. Batch setting code content format :
@WSM+[command parameter 1];[command parameter
2];.....[command parameter n];
For the command parameters that can be set in batches, please refer to Appendix G Batch Setting
Command Parameters List .
2. two parameters with an English semicolon " ; " , and end with an English semicolon. Note that
there can be no spaces between the semicolon and the command .