TEMPERATURE SENSOR WIRE: If all fuses are seated properly and are not blown,
check to see if the temperature sensor wire is firmly seated. Occasionally in
transport this wire can become loose. In the event that the temperature sensor wire
is loose; secure or re-terminate the wire (without power on the box) and restart the
power when it is corrected. If CommsSafe box utilizes a Weidmuller UPS, this is an
important step to check. However, in CommsSafes’ where a Phoenix Contact UPS is
used - disregard.
BATTERY: In a very severe case - if the plant has not been turned on for over 8
months, there is a chance that the battery could be fully dead and needs to
recharge. If a battery is allowed to fully die (as in - 20V or lower), upon restoring the
Power Supply, the battery will need to charge. The UPS alarm will stay on until the
battery is charged to a specific level. This process may take several hours. After
around three (3) hours, the alarm should turn off and the battery will be restored.
No DC Power
With no DC Power (with the exception of the power supply), the other devices might
not be powered.
FUSES: As with having no AC power, first check for any blown fuses. These fuses
will often have an indicator LED light that should illuminate given any issues.
However, if in an area with lots of sun, this could be difficult to spot. Then check the
UPS for any type of alarms or warnings. If the UPS is showing any alarms - see
above for troubleshooting steps.