openIng MulTI-MaTeRIal paRTs
1 . select the Open Group toggle button .
2 .
Use the open function to open each .stl file individually.
3 . Once each .stl is open press the close group button . The part will now be rotatable and scalable . You can select which
print jets print which parts using the shell selector tool .
usIng The shell seleCToR Tool
The shell selector tool is used to select which Print Jets print which parts of a multi-material part/multiple parts on a print
bed. The color options available will correspond to the material colors you have set in printer configuration.
1 . select the shell color you wish to use .
2 . Hover over the shell you wish to select .
3 . Left click to color the shell .
4 . Continue this process until all the shells are colored as desired .
5 .
When you have finished using the Shell Selector tool press the done button. Some features of the software may not be
available with the shell selector tool active .
RoTaTIng a paRT
use the rotate buttons to rotate the part in the desired axis . The amount the part will be turned is defaulted to 90 . This can
be changed to suit your needs .
sCalIng a paRT
You can scale a part by pressing the scale button . The amount your part will be scaled by is defaulted to 50% . This can be
changed to suit your needs . You can also use the – to mm and + to inch to scale by unit conversion .