Subject to modifications
19, rue de Rennes
BP 83221 • F - 35690 ACIGNÉ
— Approach the loader in line with the implement,
Fit the implement carrier onto the implement,
Crowd lightly and lift the loader to clear the implement
from the ground.
Push the button (4) + Direct Control Joystick (2) to the left.
Now the implement is locked.
if the
tractor has an original control valve control
system, actuate the Fast-Lock with the dedicated control
to lock the implement.
If the implement has hydraulic functions, decompress
the hydraulic circuit before connecting the Mach 2 box.
Checks to be carried out before moving:
Press the implement down on the ground (the tractor’s front wheels lift) to check correct locking.
Operate each moving part fully, in each direction, to check the sealing of the hydraulic circuit
and the correct routing of the hoses.