+44 (0)23 8052 2345
MV Heating UK Ltd
Safety Information
Follow the installation guidelines carefully to ensure the heater has the
appropriate amount of clearance between surfaces, so as not to become a
fire hazard and that the various parts of the heater that get hot, like the
exhaust, are not exposed or contaminated by possible fuel and oil.
Sufficient ventilation is required allowing proper air-flow to the heater. If the
heater is to be installed in a box or compartment, please ensure an air vent is
installed for this reason. The air must also be fresh and not contaminated by
exhaust fumes or other polluted sources. Make sure that the air intakes and
exhaust do not get blocked by other objects.
Take care to ensure that the exhaust outlet is installed in a way that prevents
fumes entering the vehicle or in the direction of the fresh air intake and
ensure the use of heat shields where necessary to again avoid fire damage.
If work is to be carried out on or around the heater, turn it off at least an hour
before so, so that it is sufficiently cool enough to be handled. If necessary,
wear safety gloves.
The fuel line must not be routed through the passenger compartment or the
driver’s cab in any vehicle. Ensure that they are also installed so that the exits
are not at risk or in danger of becoming a possible fire hazard.
Finally, take care and follow any and all precautions when installing the
heater to minimize injuries to yourself and damage to the heater.