+44 (0)23 8052 2345
MV Heating UK Ltd
Wiring Harness Connector Positions
The main connector coming off the heater can be moved to the other side of
the heater if necessary. In order to do you must first remove the air inlet grill
by twisting it so it’s clear of its securing lip and then simply pull it off. Next,
remove the top cover by lifting up the two front flaps near the air inlet. You
can then lift out the entire innards of the heater (heat exchanger to fan motor
and all) removing the cable from the rubber securing bush and rerouting it
underneath the fan motor where it can then sit in the cut-out on the opposite
side. Ensure the rubber bush is properly inserted and the heat exchanger is
back securely in position, then simply replace the lid and grill back in position.
Ensure the
bottom cover fits
correctly inside the
groove of the lid.
Figure VII