© Munters AB, 2013
Interrupting the electricity supply, equivalent to isolating by the operator with the
main switch, causes complete fan shutdown: restoring the electricity supply will
not cause any movement in the machine.
Emergency stop
Operating the main emergency stop button causes the fan to stop moving.
The function is controlled by a red mushroom type button on a yellow background, provided with mechanical
locking and release by turning. Operating it causes the instantaneous interruption of the power supply to the
electric motor which makes the rotor turn (uncontrolled shutdown category 0 according to IEC EN 60204-1).
Resetting after stopping
1. Resetting after normal stopping
After normal stopping the operating cycle must be reset by following the procedure described in
section 6.1
2. Resetting after emergency stop
After an emergency stop, the operating cycle must be reset by following the procedure described below:
reset the actuator by which the emergency stop command was given (by turning the relative mushroom
for an exact reset sequence, refer to the instructions given in
section 6.1