Changing the direction of the pump
To meet your installation requirements, you can change the side through which the electrical and
suction enter the enclosure.
Step 1 – Remove the suction pass-through panel
1. Remove the nuts and bolts holding the suction pass-through
panel in place and slide the suction pass-through panel up
and out of the enclosure. Set the panel aside.
Use caution. Some edges may be sharp!
Step 2 – Remove the electrical assembly
1. Remove the screws on the front of the pump control box to
remove the front cover.
2. Remove the time delay device (if supplied) by gently rocking
and pulling from the socket.
3. Loosen all connected wires from the relay, ground screw and
time delay socket.
4. Unscrew the chase nipple on the inside bottom of the pump
control box and SLB to disconnect the SLB from the box. Use
1” box wrench to loosen the chase nipple.
Munro Complete PRO ll