- Duration of the conversation is 60 seconds.
icon on the monitor ends the
connection any time.
- If more then one monitor is connected in parallel, all monitors ring at the same time. When
the call is answered the answering monitor establishes the conversation and the others
stop ringing. Note: During ringing, only
the master monitor shows the video of the camera while the other monitors have calling
messages on the screen.
- While ringing or conversation, touching
icon on the screen opens the door.
b) Monitoring DIP-01 camera :
When INTERCOM icon on the menu page of the monitor is touched the calling screen with keypad
appears. (Figure 7). INDOOR icon in this page is used to monitor the camera of DIP-01.
icon on the new page establishes the voice communication.
icon opens the door and
icon ends the connection. The maximum conversation duration is 60 seconds (Figure 8).
Figure 7. Connecting to DIP-01 by touching INDOOR icon
Figure 8. The sample screen while monitoring DIP-01.