MultiQ Digital Signage – DSMS 3 User’s Manual Ver. 2, 2010-06-08
Figure 116. In the media player menu you can now see the tabs that have been added with the new video
mode. There are three separate tabs for the “Primary”, the “Image 1” and the “Ticker” areas.
To build the Dashboard
The next step is to build the interactive dashboard that is to be placed at the bottom of the screen. But
in order to do this we must learn how to use the MultiQ open API. This is however not as complicated as
it sounds.
The first step to master this is to log in to the media player web server. However there are a few things
that must be fulfilled in order to do this.
The first thing is to see to that you are on the same subnet as the media player or the media monitor. A
good way to solve this is to use a separate router that is connected to the Internet on its WAN port and
you simply connect your PC (or MAC) as well as your media player to the same router. The router should
be set to automatically assign an IP address to your PC as well as media player. Of course your PC
should also be set to obtain an IP address automatically. The default setting of MultiQ media players and
media monitors is to obtain the IP address automatically.