MultiQ Digital Signage – DSMS 3 User’s Manual Ver. 2, 2010-06-08
Figure 25. Organizing the playlists into channels before associating then with individual media players
makes it possible to update the content in just one location without dealing with the individual media
Image retention
All monitors are more or less sensitive to image retention. Temporary or permanent image retention
(visible tracks of previously shown images) is caused by long-time display of static images. Especially
static images containing hard contrast transitions may cause image retention. Therefore it is
recommended not to display the configuration menu or other static content during a long period of time.
In applications where static images are inevitable as in kiosk applications with buttons, hard contrast
transitions should be avoided and screen saver videos are recommended.
After this brief introduction we take a look at some exercises guiding you through the basic principles of
content management. After having completed the exercises you will be able to design your own
applications. Therefore you are recommended to make the exercises before starting on your own