Key Features
High-value instrument grade sampling scope optimized for high speed data analysis.
External reference clock input
Single ended and differential electrical inputs supported
Eye capture, jitter, rise/fall, histogram, mask measurement, pattern capture, S21 Capture &
frequency domain, all in a single instrument.
Multiple modules can be controlled via fast Ethernet 100Base-T
The DSO tool can operate in a data acquisition only mode where the data is saved on
multiple acquisitions for post processing.
Supports high density parallel application with scalable concurrent testing.
Ultra-compact form factor replaces conventional rack test solutions and solves impractical
physical requirements of testing large lane counts. DSO can mount into the Verigy 93K.
User friendly GUI enables zooming, markers, X/Y histograms, overlays, pre-emphasis with
simultaneous measurement statistical captures
Load and analyze data that was previously captured in simulation mode
Capability to save statistical measurements, data files and configurations
Color graded display for visualizing jitter and noise distributions
Standard stress masks selection for LRM pre-cursor, LRM post-cursor, LRM symmetric and
LRM Clean Eye
Mask user defined, auto-detect mask support
Percentage of failing points
Save data and mask
Load mask file
Scope Measurement Suite
Mask margin, alternate mask margin rules available
The mask margin (positive or negative) can be extracted for a defined
number of points that
fail, thus allowing for DUT quality assessment, control and binning
The number of failed points for a region can be returned as well as the actual points that
Eye opening, eye height and width, eye amplitude, top, base, hi, lo, peak to peak, max, min
Rise/ fall time, single edge measurement in pattern capture
Total edge jitter
Statistical histogram measurements
Crossing point, crossing percentage
Advanced pattern measurements:
Eye measurements on specific bits of the pattern