Brandschutztechnik Müller GmbH
Kasseler Str. 37-39
D-324289 Zierenberg
EC- Declaration of Conformity
According to the EC-directives 2006/42/EC "Machinery Directive"
We herewith declare that the in the following described machine corresponds to
the relevant and fundamental health and safety requirements of the EC-
directives due to the manner in which it has been conceived and to its
construction as well as to the version put into circulation by us. The present
declaration will be invalid in case of an alteration of the machine not discussed
with and agreed by us.
Designation of the machine: PSM MINI
Type of machine: Powder suction machine
Number of machine:
Relevant EC-directives: EC-directive 2006/42/EC "Machinery Directive"
EC-low voltage directive (2006/95/EC)
EC-directive electro magnetic compatibility
Applied EN ISO 12100-1 and EN 12100-2;
harmonized standards,
EN 60 204-1, EN 60 309-1
in particular:
national standards and
technical specifications,
in particular:
Date: 06. 01. 2010
Herbert Müller, Executive Director