Care for your Mükava and Mükava Accessories
Your Mükava has been designed and built of the best possible materials
for years of use regardless of what electronic devices you may purchase
in the future. Your Mükava has been built without lubrication and does
not require any servicing or maintenance during its life. Mükava pads for
phone and tablets are built for years of use, but may fray or come apart
after prolonged use. We suggest that you replace your Mükava pad if the
pad starts to come apart after prolonged use.
The reading surface has been designed to be resistant to stains and can
be cleaned with standard gentle household cleaner.
The stand can be wiped with standard soap and water and should be
dried with a light towel.
Harsh chemicals and industrial cleaning solutions should not be
used to clean Mükava.
• The Mükava pad for phone and for tablet
can be cleaned with light soap and water.
• Rinse both sides of the pad under the tap
with lukewarm water, allow to air dry for
ten minutes before next use.