This instruction manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’s TMS 04 -
Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions
and TMS 02 -
Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest Systems.
WHEn You sEE a “ WarnInG!” BE surE to HEED tHE MEssaGE!
tHE InForMatIon contaInED In tHEsE MEssaGEs can saVE Your lIFE!!
FIElD InstallatIon
stEP 1.
Select a straight, healthy tree between 9” (23 cm) and 18” (51 cm) in
diameter. One devoid of loose bark, branches, limbs, knots, vines or anything
which may incumber your ability to climb safely up or down.
stEP 2.
With your Muddy® climbing treestand assembled in strict
accordance with the previous instruction, you’re now ready to install it on
the tree. Attach the standing platform to the tree by placing the climbing
cable around the tree and slip it into the right support securing it with the
spring bolt as shown in Figure 2. Under no circumstance shall you attempt
to connect your climbing cable using the last hole as depicted in Figure 3.
Doing so puts the user at serious risk of injury or death.
stEP 3.
Repeat STEP 2 for the attachment of the seating platform.
ease of entrance onto the climbing stand, it is recommended that you rotate
the seating platform 45-degrees from the standing platform as shown in
Figure 4. This practice allows the user to step up onto the standing platform
and gently rotate the seating platform around while stepping over it and
into the climbing treestand.
attempt to use the last link and corresponding hole
in the climbing cable(s).
attempt to drill additional holes anywhere
along the length of the climbing cables. Failure to follow these instructions
will result in serious injury or death!
To properly setup your Muddy® climbing treestand you must take
into consideration the gradual narrowing of the tree. To compensate for this
gradual narrowing, you must tilt both the standing and seating platforms
slightly, in an upward direction to compensate for this narrowing as shown
in Figure 1. If care is not taken to setup the treestand in this manner at
ground-level, once you reach your desired climbing height, your stand will
be at an awkward, dangerous and unusable angle.
Never attempt to hunt from an unlevel standing and/or
seating platform. Additionally,
attempt to level your standing and/
or seating platform at heights above the ground. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
stEP 4.
With the standing and seating platforms installed as outlined
previously, taking into account the gradual narrowing of the tree as shown
in Figure 1, you’re now ready to install the connector rope. Tightly secure
the connector rope from the standing platform to the seating platform with
a double knot as shown in Figure 5.
Leave approximately 3’ (91 cm)
to 4’ (122 cm) of rope length between the standing platform and seating
platform as shown in Figure 5.
You must install the connector rope which secures the seating
platform with the standing platform as outlined in STEP 4. This connector
rope keeps the two platforms from inadvertently separating while in use.
unDEr no cIrcuMstancEs
shall you operate this treestand without this
rope connected as outlined in this Instruction Manual. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
stEP 5.
With your full-body
fall arrest harness donned as
previously outlined, attach
the tether/tree belt as high up
the tree trunk as possible (see
page 11, Steps 5-8.)
When hunting
from a treestand falls can
occur any time after leaving
the ground causing injury
or death. Always wear your
Muddy® full-body fall arrest
system at all times after
leaving the ground. You must
stay connected at all times
after leaving the ground while
using climbing treestands.
If you are not wearing your
full-body harness properly
attached to the tree that is
protecting you from a fall, do
not leave the ground. Failure
to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 5
Fig 6
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 4
Prior to attempting to use this or any other Muddy® product(s) you must take a moment and become familiar with its setup and installation at ground-
level. You must practice installing, setting-up and using this product(s) at ground-level prior to attempting to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have
become thoroughly knowledgeable and comfortable with this Muddy® product(s) setup, installation and use at ground-level - you’re now ready to use it at heights
above ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
stoP noW!
Make sure that you are wearing your Muddy® full-body fall arrest harness! Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury
or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to hunt from an unlevel standing and/or seating platform. Additionally, NEVER attempt to level your standing and/or seating platform at
heights above the ground. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
If you find that your platform(s) is unlevel, canted, angled awkwardly upward or downward, you must select another tree to install your treestand.
Never attempt to hunt out of an unlevel treestand. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
This Muddy® climbing treestand(s) is designed for climbing trees with a minimum diameter of 9” (23 cm) and a maximum diameter of 18” (51 cm).
Attempting to climb trees outside of this range puts the user at serious risk of bodily injury or death. Failure to follow these instructions will result in serious injury
or death!
allow the full-body fall arrest tether to get under or around your chin or neck. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury
or death!
Foot platform and seat may not resemble your model.