This instruction manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’s TMS 04 -
Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions
and TMS 02 -
Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest Systems.
WHEn You sEE a “ WarnInG!” BE surE to HEED tHE MEssaGE!
tHE InForMatIon contaInED In tHEsE MEssaGEs can saVE Your lIFE!!
Make certain all chains, cables, straps, etc. are tightened per
this Instruction Manual prior to use. All treestand bark biters must be in
contact with the tree before you step onto the stand. The correct adjustment
and tightening of attachment hardware (as outlined in each individual
instructions) is critical to the stable installation of the climbing treestand(s).
Additionally, you MUST being wearing your Fall Arrest System (FAS) which
includes a full-body fall arrest harness, tree belt, tether and suspension relief
device in accordance with the instructions contained in this Instruction
Manual. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or
This Muddy® product(s) is designed for adult use only. No one
under the age of 16 shall attempt to use this or any other Muddy® product(s)
without direct adult supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
Do not
attempt to make adjustments to this product while in
the treestand. All adjustments must be made with the entire treestand on
the ground. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury
or death!
Prior to attempting to use this or any other Muddy® product(s)
you must take a moment and become familiar with its assembly, setup,
installation, use and removal. You must practice installing, setting-up and
using your full-body fall arrest harness and its components (i.e., lanyard/
tether, tree belt, suspension relief device) at ground-level prior to attempting
to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly
knowledgeable and comfortable with this product(s) assembly, setup,
installation, use and removal at ground-level, you are now ready to use it at
heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
Some Muddy® treestands are equipped with a footrest, armrests
and backrests. Neither the footrest, armrests nor the backrest have been
designed to support the users weight. Under no circumstances shall you
place any more than fifteen (15) pounds (7 kg)
of weight on these structures.
Doing so will put the user in serious risk of injury or death. Failure to follow
these instructions will result in serious injury or death!
You must wear a Fall Arrest System (FAS) comprising of a full-
body fall arrest harness, tether, tree belt, suspension relief device at all
times after leaving the ground. Single safety belts and chest harnesses are
no longer preferred and shall never be used. If you are not wearing a full-
body fall arrest harness (that is connected to the tree) that is protecting
you from a fall, do not leave the ground. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
Never attempt to climb up or down with a weapon and/or gear
in your possession.
unload your weapon and pull it up to hunting
height using a tether or pull up rope.
lower your unloaded
weapon down to the ground prior (when raising or lowering firearms,
the chamber must be open and the barrel pointing toward the ground)
to attempting to climb up or climb down. Use this same method when
raising or lowering all other gear. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
Prior to each use thoroughly inspect the treestand (and its
components) and all safety devices each time before use for signs of wear,
rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or any other type of defect(s).
Make certain that your treestand is tight and secure prior to use. Protect
this product(s) from extended exposure to direct sunlight, excessive heat
or freezing temperatures by storing inside when not in use. Do not use this
or any other product(s) if it shows evidence of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks,
deterioration and/or any other type of defect(s). Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Do not
use this or any other Muddy® product(s) if you have
a history of heart problems, back problems, impaired vision, joints that
lock-up, spinal fusions, equilibrium problems, high blood pressure, are
not well-rested and/or any other physical impairment that may limit your
ability to use and/or operate this product(s) in the safe manner outlined in
this Instruction Manual. Additionally, do not use this or any other Muddy®
product(s) if you are currently taking medication (including prescription)
and/or using and/or consuming any substance, including alcohol, that
may limit your ability to use this Muddy® product(s) as outlined and
described in the Instruction Manual. Never use a treestand when feeling
ill, nauseous or dizzy. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
Do not
attempt to make adjustments to this product while
in the treestand. All adjustments must be made with the entire treestand
on the ground. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
Do not
leave your Muddy® product(s) installed for more than
two weeks (14 days). Any number of factors can jeopardize its installation
and integrity. These include, but are not limited to, weather or other
environmental factors that can negatively affect its performance. Animals
can also cause damage to your Muddy® product(s) that can negatively
affect its performance and your safety. Additionally, factors such as tree
growth can stress and damage supporting straps, chains, cables and/or
buckles. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or
inspect the treestand and all safety devices prior to each
Do not
use product(s) if it shows signs of wear, damage, deterioration,
or vandalism. Factors such as tree growth, vandals, weather and animals may
affect the performance of an unattended treestand. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Do not
modify, fix/repair, alter, bend, cut, weld, drill, or heat the
treestand in any way. Additionally, do not attach anything to your treestand
without explicit authorized and written instructions from the manufacturer.
Failure to follow these instructions will void your warranty and may result in
serious injury or death!
Strict weight limitations have been set for each product(s) to
ensure your personal safety. Note the weight limitations and maximum
occupancy for your Muddy® product(s). This weight limit includes the user(s)
and equipment.
ExcEED tHEsE WEIGHt lIMItatIons!
Failure to
follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Do not
attempt to use this or any other Muddy® product(s)
when ice, snow, and/or freezing rain has deposited or formed on any portion
of the tree or stand you intend to climb. Do not attempt to use this or any
other Muddy® product(s) when thunderstorms are threatening and/or
present within five (5) miles (8 km). Do not attempt to use this or any other
product(s) when any other adverse weather condition(s) presents itself.
These include, but are not limited to, weather conditions which have the
potential for producing winds, lightning, rain, snow, sleet and/or any other
atmospheric condition which may limit the user’s ability to operate this
Muddy® product(s) in a safe manner as described in this Instruction Manual.
Shall inclement weather conditions arise during your use of this Muddy®
product(s), return to the ground immediately and seek proper man-made
. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or
Do not
jump or bounce on any portion(s) of this climbing
treestand in an attempt to seat the treestand to the tree. Never bounce or
jump on the seating or standing platforms in particular, as this could lead
to damaging these or disengaging them from the tree. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!