Version 0.1
Operating manual
The System telephones PH2-1 type are modifications of сommutator telephone
PH2-10C; they have the same construction, see LEDs and controls (except USU), and
functional diagram in Table 2 and Figure 7.
The System sockets are wall mounted, waterproof type, equipped with protective
cover, providing air-tight protection of connector’s contact parts against water; may be
installed on open deck.
Sockets are manufactured in metal painted casings. From the front side they have
a quick connector with waterproof cover. Cable glands are also located on the casings.
External alarm units
Signaling units
All units are waterproof and may be installed on open deck. Signaling units are
wall mounted, or may be mounted on a bracket (any orientation).
Signaling units are powered from external network with telephone (сommutator
telephone) connected in series with signaling unit (in a line break), or relay unit RBWSB.
During incoming call, telephone (сommutator telephone) independently actuates
signaling unit by CUESU signal or via relay unit RBWSB closing its circuit.
Signaling units L, AL, A types are produced in plastic impact-resistant casings.
Casings (from four sides) have special knock-out type plugs, providing for cable lead in
the most convenient place.
Signaling units AL and A types have integrated sound generator and regulator
module of sound pressure level providing for regulation within 30…105 dB.
Signaling units L and AL types are equipped with xenon lamp operating in im-
pulse mode with frequency 60…90 impulses per minute.
Flashing lamps RL type are produced in plastic transparent globe (specify colour
at delivery), mounted in metal foundation. Incandescent lamp 40 W is placed inside –
for RL-220, or halogen 70 W – for RL-24, as well as mechanism with plastic mirror re-
flector and motor. Once power is supplied, the lamp starts continuous glowing; mecha-
nism starts rotating mirror reflector around the lamp resulting in flashing mode.