Software Installation
CI-134 Series User’s Manual
Due to the limitations of Windows 3.x operating system itself,
only up to 9 COM
por ts
are supported, i.e., COM1 to COM9. Hence,
CI-134 with 4 ports or
other 4 port non-intelligent boards, maximum 6 ports is supported if the existing
standard COM ports (COM1 and COM2) are included.
Removing Driver
The program,
Dr iver Removal
, in the “MOXA Standard COMM Driver” program
group is provided to remove the installed driver from the Windows.
Baud Rate Settings
For those
boards configured as
High Speed Spectr um
, the real
working speed is equal to
8 times
of the displayed speed. For example, a port, if set to
Normal Speed Spectrum with 38.4 Kbps, will work at 38.4 Kbps for sure; while a port,
if set to High Speed Spectrum with shown speed 38.4 Kbps, will actually work at
307.2 Kbps (38.4 Kbps
8). This is applicable to Moxa-provided utility, such as
CONFIG and TTY, existing applications and programming, which are described in
later chapter.