EXPC-1319 Series Hardware
BIOS Setup
IGD – Pre-Allocated
This item allows you to configure the pre-allocated capacity for the graphic memory capacity.
Options: 8 MB (default), 1 MB
This item allows you to configure the capacity of the DVMT 5.0 used by the internal graphics device.
Options: 64 MB (default) , 128 MB, 224 MB
IGD – Boot Type
This item allows you to select the video device which will be activated during POST.
Options: CRT+LCD (default), CRT, LCD
Please note that for the EXPC-1319, the LCD features the LCD panel, and the CRT features the VGA port at the
bottom of the computer.
IGD – LCD Panel Type
This item allows you to select the LCD panel type and the resolution.
Options: 1280x1024 LVDS (default), 1024x768 LVDS, 800x600
LVDSUSB Configuration
This item allows you to turn USB Legacy mode on or off. USB Legacy allows older USB devices to be accessed
from the earliest boot initialization, and/or DOS.
Options: Enabled (default), Disabled