MCTC manual
Customer Support
Supervisor login required
From software version 2.11.x onward Customer Support is available. This is an online service which makes it
possible to get remote support from a support employee. To use this function, the MCTC needs to be
connected to the internet via the ethernet port on the MCTC.
The connection between the MCTC and the remote server is entirely secured using several encryption and
authentication techniques and thus can be used safely. No data will be saved to the remote support servers.
Once the MCTC is connected to the remote server, a 3-digit ID will be displayed on this screen. A support
employee will ask for this ID as it's used to identify the MCTC.
When pressing the Customer Support button, a new window is opened.
Connect/Cancel (1)
Connects the MCTC to the remote server. Make sure the MCTC meets the usage requirements.
After pressing the connect button, but before the MCTC is connected, this button can be used to cancel the
active connection attempt.
Keep Connected (2)
When this option is enabled, the MCTC will reconnect automatically when the connection is lost.
Code (3)
3-digit ID to be communicated to the support employee to establish a connection.
Disconnect (4)
Disconnects the MCTC from the remote server. The ethernet cable can be safely removed after this if it is
undesirable to stay connected to the internet at all times.