7 • Firewall Pages
Select each Web filter you want to set for the firewall, and then click
. The Web
filters will activate without having to reboot the SVG1501 Configuration Manager.
At least one Web filter or feature must be enabled for the firewall
to be active. Make sure the firewall is not disabled.
Firewall Local Log Page
Set up notification of the firewall event log in either of the following formats:
Individual e-mail alerts sent each time the firewall is under attack
Local log stored within the modem and displayed on the Local Log page
Firewall Remote Log Page
Send firewall attack reports to a standard SysLog server so multiple instances can be
logged over a period of time. Select individual attack or configuration items to send to
the SysLog server so that only the items of interest will be monitored. You can log
permitted connections, blocked connections, known Internet attack types, and CMRG
configuration events. The SysLog server must be on the same network as the Private
LAN behind the Configuration Manager (typically 192.168.0.x).
To activate the SysLog monitoring feature, check all desired event types to monitor and
enter the last byte of the IP address of the SysLog server. Normally, the IP address of
this SysLog server is hard-coded so that the address does not change and always agrees
with the entry on this page.
Field Description for the Firewall Remote Log Page
Permitted Connections
Select to have the server e-mail you logs of who is
connecting to your network.
Blocked Connections
Select to have the server e-mail you logs of who is blocked
from connecting to your network.