Install the Daisy-Chain Jumpers
Live Insertion
Sockets J4-J14 allow the daisy-chained bus grant arbitration and interrupt
priority resolution processes to continue unaffected during live insertion or
removal. These sockets, in conjunction with the headers for bus grant
signal jumpers and the headers for IACK signal jumpers can be used with
a user-supplied daisy-chain switch module. This switch module
incorporates the backplane daisy-chain bypass circuits.
Header J2 can be used to monitor IACK signal on both pin 1 and pin 2.
For further information, refer to the VITA 1.x Live Insertion for VME64x
requirements standard.
Table 4-2. Live Insertion Connections
Sockets J4 through J14
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
NOTE: All jumper pins in slots that use the live insertion must be
removed before installing a user-supplied daisy chain switch module.