Getting started - Connecting Devices
3. Getting started - Connecting Devices
How does it work?
• The Monitor Everywhere Server keeps track of the Cameras.
• When a user wants to access the Camera, the server authenticates the user
and permits the user access to the Camera.
Connect the Camera to the power adapter and plug into an electrical outlet and
make sure the power switch is in the ON position. Wait until the Camera LED
changes to fast blinking, which means that the Camera is in the reset / setup
state and now the Camera is ready for ‘Camera Setup’ registration. The Camera
must be within range of the Wi-Fi
router with which you want it to link.
Status of LED Indication:
- Reset / Setup state: fast flashing
- Unconnected
state: slow
- Connect state:
always on
Access your
Camera locally
View your Camera from any
compatible device remotely