You Hear
Tone Name
Talk Permit
(When PTT button is pressed) is verifying with the system for ac-
cepting its transmissions.
Unique, Low-
Pitched Chirp
New Message
When a new message is received.
Unique, High-
Pitched Chirp
Priority Status
When a priority message is received.
Pitched Tone
Bluetooth Paired
When Bluetooth accessory is paired with the radio.
Bluetooth Connected
When Bluetooth accessory is connected to the radio.
Pitched Tone
Bluetooth Unpaired
When Bluetooth accessory is unpaired from the radio.
Bluetooth Disconnected
When Bluetooth accessory is disconnected from the radio.
A Group of
Very High-
Pitched Tones
Man Down Continuous
When radio is in Man Down mode and prepares to transmit
Emergency Alarm when the timer of this alarm ends.
Critical Man Down Continu-
ous Tone
When radio is in Man Down Enhanced mode and prepares to
transmit Emergency Alarm when the timer of this alarm ends.
Unique Low-
High Tone
Enhanced Zone Bank Up
When EZB Up button is pressed to scroll the Enhance Zone
Bank up.
Unique High-
Low Tone
Enhanced Zone Bank Down When EZB Down button is pressed to scroll the Enhance Zone
Bank down.
Identifying Status Indicators