Man Down
A life-saving feature that senses the radio user may be in
trouble by monitoring the whether the radio is in a vertical
or horizontal position or whether the radio is motionless.
When this feature is triggered, the radio alerts the user with
audio and visual alerts. It can also trigger Emergency
Alarm the Post-Alert Timer is not cancelled.
Mission Critical Wireless.
Motorola Solutions Digital Communications.
Check channel activity by pressing the Monitor button. If
the channel is clear, you hear static. If the channel is in
use, you hear conversation. It also serves as a way to
check the volume level of the radio, since the radio “opens
the squelch” when the monitor button is pressed.
Multi-System Talkgroup Scan List
A scan list that can include both talkgroups (trunked) and
channels (conventional).
Network Access Code
Network Access Code (NAC) operates on digital channels
to reduce voice channel interference between adjacent
systems and sites.
The user will talk on a preprogrammed emergency channel.
The emergency alarm is sent out on this same channel.
Operation Critical Wireless.
Over-The-Air Rekeying
Allows the dispatcher to remotely reprogram the encryption
keys in the radio.
A one-way alert with audio and/or display messages.