9.6.2 Blue Indicator Light for High Beam
High beam indicator light (+12V). Generally, the layout of the OEM indicator light should be the
same. If your vehicle differs, use the direct input line (plus) from your high beam switch or light.
9.6.3 Green Indicator Light for Neutral
The neutral indicator light is pre-made for connection to ground.
Generally, the layout of the OEM indicator light should be the same. If your vehicle differs, use the
direct input line from the neutral switch that is switching to ground.
9.6.4 Red Indicator and Warning Light
The red warning light can be triggered internally or externally.
It warns by flashing quickly when limits for the values of rpm, temperatures or pressures are either
exceeded or underrun. These functions are controlled internally.
Additional sensors (e. g. oil pressure sensor) can be connected to the terminals with white/yellow
and white/green wire. It is critical that these transmitters are of the "switching" type (on/off) and that
the polarity of all connected transmitters is set correctly.
Connection of a oil pressure switch: white/yellow = switched 12V AND white/green = oil
pressure switch
10 First Use of the Instrument
When all parts are securely mounted and connected properly, you can assemble the connector
halves and connect the battery.
Activate the on-board power suply. The display should light up and show the startup display
(motogadget logo). If this is not the case, please deactivate the ignition and systematically recheck
all connections of the instrument and the sensor connector cables.
Start the motor and watch the rpm meter display. The value displayed should change according to
the actual motor rpm. To get the display to show the proper rpm value, the corresponding settings
have to be made in the setup.
If everything worked as planned up to this point, you can continue with adjusting the settings in the
11 Operation and Display of Features
11.1 General Notes on Operation with the Menu Push-Button
The device is operated via the menu push-button. To toggle between the different display and
setup levels, the switching time of the push-button is varied.
The device discriminates between 3 switching times which are visually referred to by the three lines
in the first line of the display.
Level 1: < 1s (one line is displayed top-left on the display)
Function: Select the next option or increment a digit
Level 2: 1–3 s (two lines are displayed top-left on the display)
Function: Selection of the next/subordinated level or the next digit. Deleting saved
Level 3: > 3 s (three lines are displayed on the display)
Function: Selection of the previous/superordinate level or exiting the menu point.
For the exact order of the setup please refer to the flow chart in the appendix.