Demand Moore Reliability
User’s Manual Supplement
TMZ (2TPRG) Dual Input Model
Status and Tool Bar Legend
allows such functions as New,
Open, Save and Print
allows you to Upload and
Download configurations
Select the PC Port
(Comm Port) that you will use
allows you to Monitor and
Stop monitoring processes
Controls whether Tool and Status
Bars are viewed on the screen
Displays the version of the TMZ
Configuration Program
Configuration Screens
Input 1 / Input 2
Sensor Trimming for each input to be trimmed is now
performed at the respective Input tab (Input 1 or
Input 2). Configuration remains as described in the
TMZ (TPRG) User’s Manual (Page 13).
In appearance, windows for both Input 1 and Input 2 are
the same. They are configured similarly for the specific
input chosen. Configuration of the Input windows follows
the general parameters, with slight variation, as
described in the TMZ (TPRG) User’s Manual (Page 12).
Input Type–
Select your input type (RTD 2-wire,
RTD 3-wire or RTD 4-wire).
Sensor Range
section will adjust according to the
parameters that have been set.
Temperature, Filter, Broken wire Detection and Running
average Filter Settings configuration remains as
described in the TMZ (TPRG) User’s Manual (Page 12).
Figure S-5.
Input 1 / Input 2 Tab
Default/Factory Configurations
The following are the default factory settings
for your unit.
Inputs 1 & 2:
RTD 4w Pt3850 100Ohms
-240 to 960°C
Filter: 60hz
Broken wire: ON
Running average Filter: eNaBleD, 4
address: 1
Baud Rate: 9600
Parity: None lSw